ABOUT EGE CARPETS AND ESG Rune Stephansen, CEO At Ege Carpets, we consider Environmental, Social and Govern- ance (ESG) as a necessity and a business advantage. The world is under pressure, and all companies need to take active and longterm responsibility for how they affect it. In our ESG work, we aim at ensuring that Ege Carpets business model, produc- tion processes and products help create a more sustainable so- ciety now and in the future. countries and companies are subject, including the Internation- al Bill of Human Rights and the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, The International Labour Organization and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We want to contribute to the UN Sustainable Develop- ment Goals by working with the goals that best support our core business. ESG and sustainability is a pronounced and integral part of Ege Carpets business foundation and strategy. Our ambition is to produce the worlds most sustainable carpets – a goal that re- quires intensive focus on ESG issues. We comply with all regulations and standards to which we are subject in addition to voluntary initiatives we have joined, in- cluding the principles of the UN Global Compact, which we un- dertake to respect and promote.1 We wish to develop new and even more sustainable products and production methods, as well as new methods for the use and reuse of our products. We use ESG as a framework for de- velopment throughout the entire value chain. Focus on ESG issues is a requirement for many of our custom- ers. The social aspects of ESG is also a way of attracting and retaining employees. In our view, our focus on social issues ensures better working conditions, fewer sick days and higher employee satisfaction. Active and longterm work with ESG thus creates economic, social and environmental benefits for Ege Carpets and for the society as a whole. Where national law and international human rights standards dif- fer, the higher standard is followed. The ESG policy applies to all production facilities as well as as- sociated subsidiaries and sales offices throughout Ege Carpets. PREMISE OF THE ESG POLICY The basic premise of Ege Carpets ESG policy is that we comply with all legislation and the international conventions to which all 1 Brief explanation of all the conventions, standards and principles listed in Appendix I 2
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