Contents 4 Moving forward on sustainability and business 6 Ege group 7 The group in figures 8 Sustainability strategy towards 2030 16 The UN sustainable development goals E – ENVIRONMENT 20 Greenhouse gas accounting 26 Gjellerup Enge 30 Biodiversity impact scan 32 From waste to resource 34 100% pure wool S – SOCIAL 38 Social 44 Ege Go2Work 46 Key figures, social responsibility and corporate governance G – GOVERNANCE 50 Governance 54 Risks and opportunities 57 Excerpts from Ege Carpets’ ESG policy KEY FIGURES & ANNEX 60 Production inputs and outputs 61 Herning North and Gram 62 Røjle and Herning South 63 Litspin 64 Annex 1: What is section 99a? 65 Annex 2: Calculation basis applied to the greenhouse gas accounting 66 Annex 3: Basis for calculating inputs and outputs in production
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