About the report Welcome to Ege Carpets’ Sustainability Report. The report concerns the financial year from 1 May 2022 to 30 April 2023 and includes all production units in the group. The report is based on our ambitious Sustainability Strategy, and the figures in the report are presented as total figures for the group. However, consumption data is calculated individually for each production unit. This year’s report is structured differently to our previous re- ports. The report starts with a presentation of our sustainabil- ity ambition, as well as an update on the year’s results for our sustainability goals. The rest of the report adheres to an ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) structure, where the areas of environment and climate, social conditions and cor- porate governance are each presented in separate sections. The report includes our statutory Corporate Social Responsi- bility Report, cf. Section 99a of the Danish Financial State- ments Act. Firm of auditors EY has ensured that the report is in compliance with the Act. The figures in the report have not been verified by a third party. In the long term, we would like all figures to be exter- nally verified. Until then, we emphasise that we devote a lot of internal work to verifying the figures. Questions concerning the Sustainability Report can be ad- dressed to: CSR Manager Camilla Jacobsen: caja@egecarpets.com 1 See Annex 1 for further details of Section 99a.
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